Snow Sport Assumption of Risk
I understand and accept the fact that skiing and snowboarding in its various forms, is a hazardous sport that has many dangers and risks, including the risk of personal injury, death or property damage. I realize that injuries or damages are a common and ordinary occurrence of my participation in these sports. I agree and acknowledge, as a condition of being allowed to use the ski area facility and premises, that I freely and voluntarily accept and assume all risks of personal injury, death, or property damage, and covenant not to sue Middlebury College Snowbowl Ski Area and its agents, employees, trustees, directors, officers and shareholders from any and all liability or responsibility for personal injury, death or property damage which in any way results from my participation in the sport, including but not limited to resulting from conditions on or about the premises and facilities, the operations of the ski area, grooming, snowmaking, lift operations, acts or omissions of employees or agents of the area, terrain, or trails, snow conditions, collisions with natural or manmade objects or other participants in the sport, or any other activities at the area, accepting for myself the full responsibility for any and all such damage or injury of any kind which may result. Further, I agree that any use of this ticket/pass or facilities confirms absolutely my agreement to be bound by all these term and others posted whether I obtained this ticket/pass myself or it was provided to me by someone else. Further, I understand that this pass is revocable at any time due to unsafe or inappropriate conduct by the holder.