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MC Faculty/Staff or Alumni

Regular price $499.00

Full season access for Middlebury College Faculty, Staff or AlumniDaytime and Combo passes include one free child (18 and under). This pass is for eligible Middlebury College Faculty, Staff, or Alumni.

Purchase requires verification of a valid Faculty/Staff/Alumni ID number. 

Please ensure your submitted pass photo includes a clear image of your face.

How do I get my pass?

We may offer additional pass pick up opportunities or events, please watch for communications from us after you purchase for these additional pick-up opportunities.

Looking for a pass for your Spouse? Middlebury College businesses such as the Snowbowl, Rikert, and the Golf Course, spouses are treated the same as employees when it comes to pass purchase discounts. Here’s what you need to do:
  1. Your spouse should arrange to get a Midd Card. IDs for eligible partners and spouses can be requested by emailing and providing a photo. Please allow five business days for ID creation.
  2. Once your spouse has a Midd Card, they can enter their Midd ID number when purchasing a Fac/Staff/Alumni Pass. If they already have a Midd Card, they can use their current Midd ID number for the purchase using the form above.